
New Edition of "The Hamiltons 1762-1862" NOW AVAILABLE

The content of these web pages is based on the 1st edition of my book "The Hamiltons 1762-1862" originally published in 1997

The 2nd Edition was published in 2009 . A further revised 3rd Edition was published in 2022 and is available through the Historia Incognita or Blurb websites.

3rd Edition

A 3rd completely revised edition was published in 2022 and contains corrections and additions to the section on William Holmes Hamilton and the Duke of York, as well as further discussion about the speculated origins of the Hamilton family. Details on the Historia Incognita web page.

Publication Information

The Hamiltons 1762-1862 By Douglas Wilkie B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A.C.E. 1st Edition October 1997 1st Printing October 1997 2nd Printing November 1997 with minor corrections 2nd Edition Web Published March 2007 with ongoing additions. “The Hamiltons 1762-1862” First published in October 1997 to coincide with the 160th anniversary of the arrival of Richard Hamilton in South Australia in October 1837, and the 200th anniversary of the participation of Captain John Hamilton at the battle of Camperdown in October 1797. This Second Edition contains amendments and additional material as the result of further research and information provided by readers of the first edition as indicated in the footnotes and acknowledgments. This publication has been written and produced by Douglas Wilkie Enquiries regarding the content of this publication, including the submission of extra material or amendments for future editions, should be addressed to the author. Additional copies of this publication may be ordered from the author. Copyright 1997-2022 Douglas Wilkie No part of the text of this publication may be reproduced in any form without permission of the author. Sources of quotations and illustrations, where known, have been acknowledged in the text or footnotes.


UPDATE: A 3rd edition of The Hamiltons is now available for purchase through the Historia Incognita website or the Blurb website. - January 2022.

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